MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic amphetamine derivative and belongs to the group of entactogens. MDMA is traded either in tablet form as "ecstasy" or as crystals or powder. 

In 2020, a total of 239 MDMA samples were analysed at the Drug Information Centre (DIZ) in Zurich. 

The MDMA evaluation 2020 is in two parts. The first part deals with ecstasy tablets and the second with crystalline/powder MDMA. The results published here are not representative for the entire substance market of the city of Zurich. 

Ecstasy tablets 

In 2020, 115 ecstasy tablets were handed in for analysis. In a mobile drug checking carried out in the city of Zurich in 2020, six ecstasy tablets were handed in and analysed. 

Risk assessment 

In addition to the side effects typical of MDMA, there is a risk of ingesting unexpected active ingredients, pharmacologically active extenders, synthetic by-products and high-dose tablets when consuming ecstasy tablets. Even ecstasy tablets with the same logo or appearance can differ greatly in terms of their composition. Since 2015, high-dose tablets (>120 mg MDMA*HCl) have increasingly been analysed. More than 1.5 mg MDMA per kg body weight for men and 1.3 mg per kg body weight for women are considered too much from a pharmacological point of view, as side effects such as "jaw grinding", eye and nerve twitching up to seizures can occur more frequently and MDMA has an increased negative effect on the nerve cells above these doses. High doses of MDMA also mean a greater risk of overheating, lead to dehydration of the body, place a high strain on the cardiovascular system and lead to a stronger and longer hangover. According to current knowledge, long-term damage to the central serotonergic system is probable with intensive and regular use.  

MDMA content 

On average, the ecstasy tablets analysed by DIZ 2020 contained 186.9 mg MDMA*HCl. This is an average of 10.1 mg MDMA*HCI more than in the previous year. The range was from 38.2 mg to 293.7 mg MDMA*HCI per tablet. The share of ecstasy tablets (90.8 % of all tablets) with more than 120 mg MDMA*HCI increased again in 2020 (+8.9 %). 41.7 % (+13.6 %) of the tablets dispensed were even classified as extremely high-dosed (>200mg). 

For 90.8 % (+8.9 %) of the ecstasy tablets analysed, a warning was issued due to a high MDMA content (>120 mg MDMA). For 5 % (-4.1 %) of the analysed ecstasy tablets, a warning was also issued due to unexpected pharmacologically active substances. 

Development of MDMA content in ecstasy tablets in milligrams, 2011 -2020, grouped (n=1,551) Pharmacologically active excipients 

In 2020, 5% (-11%) of the ecstasy tablets analysed contained at least one other unexpected pharmacologically active substance in addition to MDMA. These are pharmacologically active extenders and/or synthetic impurities. Besides the pharmacologically active substances, ecstasy tablets always contain pharmacologically non-active additives (e.g., lactose, sorbitol, etc.) and tabletting agents (e.g., starch) that have no additional psychological and/or physical effects when consumed. 

Unexpected pharmacologically active substances in ecstasy tablets 2011-2020, in % of samples (n=1'612)

The other pharmacologically active substances that were analysed in addition to or instead of MDMA in ecstasy tablets are described below. 


Caffeine makes you awake, speeds up the heartbeat and temporarily increases mental performance. In higher doses (from 300 mg / approx. 8 cups of coffee) it also produces euphoria. At high doses, side effects such as sweating, fluttering heart, urinary urgency, cardiac arrhythmia, perceptual disturbances, tremors, nervousness and sleep disturbances are possible. In addition, caffeine has a circulatory stimulating and appetite suppressing effect. Caffeine is added to ecstasy tablets because of its stimulating effect. 

In 2020, caffeine was analysed in three tablets (2.5 %) of the ecstasy tablets (+1.3 %); on average, the tablets contained 8.9 mg of caffeine (-9.6 mg). 

Synthesis by-products 

Synthesis by-products indicate improper production and/or purification, which is mainly related to the fact that the substance is produced in underground laboratories with very different standards and expertise due to its illegality. No reliable information is available on the risks, side effects and long-term consequences of these synthesis by-products; the interaction potential of synthesis impurities with MDMA is completely unknown. Information regarding psychoactivity, toxicity, side effects and long-term consequences is hardly available. Consumption of tablets/substances contaminated by synthetic by-products is not advised. 

In 2020, synthesis by-products were analysed in two (1.6 %) ecstasy tablets (-2.5 %). 


Methylone belongs to the cathinones and has a structural similarity to MDMA and leads to a comparable, albeit gentler and less entactogenic effect. Information regarding psychoactivity, toxicity, side effects and long-term consequences is scarce and the use of methylone is therefore discouraged. 

In 2020, methylone was analysed in one (0.8 %) ecstasy tablet. 

Crystalline / powder MDMA 

MDMA, as a solid, is basically always present in crystalline form, regardless of whether it is pressed into tablets or traded as crystals or powder. In this section, tablets are excluded. The term "crystalline" is used in the context of MDMA for coarse-grained material (crystal sizes that are still visible to the eye, up to several mm or even cm in size). Powder refers to MDMA that is finely ground. In 2020, 116 crystalline MDMA samples6 were handed in for analysis at the Drug Information Centre (DIZ) in Zurich. In the one mobile drug-checking operation, three crystalline MDMA samples were analysed. The results published here are not representative for the entire substance market of the city of Zurich. 

Risk assessment 

In addition to the side effects typical of MDMA, there is a risk of ingesting unexpected substances when consuming crystalline MDMA. These can be misdeclarations, extenders and synthesis by-products. Unexpected substances can pose a high health risk depending on the active substance and dosage. 

More than 1.5 mg MDMA per kg body weight for men and 1.3 mg per kg body weight for women are too much from a pharmacological point of view, as side effects such as "jaw grinding", eye and nerve twitching and even seizures can occur more frequently and MDMA has an increased negative effect on the nerve cells above these doses. High doses of MDMA also mean a greater risk of overheating, lead to dehydration of the body, place a high strain on the cardiovascular system and lead to a stronger and longer hangover. According to current knowledge, long-term damage to the central serotonergic system is likely with intensive and regular consumption. Information and recommendations for low-risk use can be found under Ecstasy/MDMA Safer Use. 

MDMA content 

On average, the crystalline MDMA samples we analysed contained 90.9 % (+3 %)8 MDMA*HCl. The MDMA content varied between 80.2 % and 99.9 % MDMA*HCI. The average MDMA content of crystalline MDMA is fairly constant over the years. 

Development of average MDMA content and unexpected substances in crystalline MDMA samples, 2011 - 2020, in % (n=1'315) 

Unexpected pharmacologically active substances in MDMA 

In 2020, 9.2 % (+3.9 %) of the analysed crystalline MDMA samples contained unexpected substances. 6.8 % were synthesis by-products. Our laboratory was also able to detect the following unexpected substances: MDA, MBDB, benzylone, methamphetamine and 3-CMC. 

The pharmacologically active substances that were analysed in addition to or instead of MDMA 2020 in crystalline MDMA samples are described below. 


Very little information exists about MDDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N,N-dimethylamphetamine). What is known is that the substance does not seem to cause any psychoactive effect up to 150 mg. When high doses (200mg) are taken, an indefinable and rather unpleasant effect sets in. MDDMA is a synthesis by-product about whose risks, toxicity and side effects there is hardly any reliable information and the use of this substance is therefore not recommended. 

In 2020, MDDMA was analysed (+3.4%) in four crystalline MDMA samples (3.4%). 

Synthesis by-products 

Synthesis by-products indicate improper manufacture and/or purification. Information on psychoactivity, toxicity, side effects and long-term consequences is scarce. The consumption of substances contaminated with synthetic by-products is not recommended. 

In 2020, further synthesis by-products were analysed (+/-0%) in four crystalline MDMA samples (3.4 %). 


MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) is a synthetic amphetamine derivative. The effect is similar to that of MDMA, but it is perceived as harder, stronger and "colder" than MDMA and a dose-dependent psychedelic effect is possible. The neurotoxic effect of MDA has not been fully elucidated according to current knowledge, but it is assumed that the damage to nerve cells is more pronounced than with MDMA. MDA is suspected of being liver-damaging (hepatotoxic). Regular use can also lead to schizophrenia-like symptoms. Consumption is not recommended. 

MDA is probably added to crystalline MDMA samples due to its similar spectrum of effects. In addition, depending on the MDMA synthesis, it can be a synthesis by-product. 

In 2020, MDA was analysed (+0.7 %) in two crystalline MDMA samples (1.7 %). 


Methamphetamine belongs to the amphetamine group of substances and has a strong stimulating effect (psychostimulant). In contrast to MDMA, methamphetamine does not have an entactogenic effect (touching the inner self, stronger perception of one's own emotions) and is much less empathogenic (promoting empathy). In addition, the substance is dosed much lower (5-20mg) and has a much longer duration of action (4-20h), depending on the dose. The samples are most likely a case of mistaken identity. 

In 2020, methamphetamine (+1.7 %) was analysed in two crystalline MDMA samples (1.7 %). 


Benzylone belongs to the group of cathinones and is structurally related to methylone, butylone and ethylone. Information regarding psychoactivity, toxicity, side effects and long-term consequences is scarce and the use of these substances is not advised. Benzylone is probably sold misdeclared as MDMA due to the similar spectrum of effects and the visual similarity to MDMA. 

In 2020, benzylone (+ 0.8 %) was analysed in a crystalline MDMA sample (0.8 %). 


3-CMC (3-chloromethcathinone, clophedrone) is a chlorine-substituted cathinone from the amphetamine group. Information on psychoactivity, toxicity, side effects and long-term consequences is scarce. Phenethylamines with an amphetamine structure from the range of stimulants with a chlorine substitution are known for their particularly pronounced neurotoxicity. The use of these substances is not recommended. 

In 2020, 3-CMC was analysed (+0.8 %) in a crystalline MDMA sample (0.8 %). 


MBDB(N-methyl-1-(3,4-benzodioxol-1-yl)-2-butanamine) is a synthetic amphetamine derivative and structurally closely related to MDMA. The effect is mainly entactogenic, but does not have a drive-enhancing effect and has a slightly less warm and euphoric effect than MDMA. MBDB is probably added to crystalline MDMA samples due to the similar spectrum of effects. 

In 2020, MBDB was analysed (+0.8 %) in a crystalline MDMA sample (0.8 %). 


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