General information

Microdosing is the use of small doses of hallucinogenic substances (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, etc.). For many users, the aim of microdosing is to enhance their performance (creativity, concentration, endurance), self-therapy for mental illnesses or to increase their empathy. Since the dosage is about 10-20 times lower than a "normal" dosage, microdosing does not cause hallucinations, ego dissolution or detachment from one's own body. 

Since, according to our experience, LSD is mainly used in microdosing, only this substance will be discussed in more detail below. 

Form of consumption

Since the LSD content can vary greatly even on felts from the same sheet and precise and constant dosing is correspondingly difficult, LSD in liquid form (preferably in spray or pipette bottle with constant dosing) should be used for microdosing. After dissolving the felts, the ready-to-consume LSD solution can be tested in drug checking.


5-15 micrograms; doses of 15 micrograms or more produce the first consciously noticeable changes in perception.

The principle of drug, set and setting should also be observed in microdosing (although the setting certainly has less influence on the effect than in conventional LSD use).

We recommend keeping microdosing periods as short as possible and taking longer breaks from consumption in between to prevent the development of negative effects.

For people who want to use LSD microdosing to treat mental illnesses, we recommend discussing the situation with doctors or psychiatrists beforehand. Psychedelics can aggravate existing mental illnesses and/or trigger hidden illnesses. Dangerous interactions between LSD and psychotropic drugs and other medicines are not known (with the exception of lithium).

Risks / side effects

Acute risks

The acute risks associated with microdosing can be classified as lower than with the consumption of "normal" doses of LSD. Since no hallucinations, no alienation of sensory perceptions, no detachment from one's own body and no ego-dissolution are triggered, microdosing should hardly lead to mental overload, a bad trip/horror trip, panic and/or paranoia.

Long-term risks

The known psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline etc.) are in principle relatively well researched substances and their risks and side effects are known. However, there are hardly any completed scientific studies on microdosing to date.

Since microdosing often involves taking a psychedelic over a longer period of time, questions arise about psychological dependence, possible loss of reality and personality changes.

LSD does not cause physical dependence. Whether the regular intake of very small doses of LSD over a longer period of time can lead to psychological dependence is unclear. It is conceivable that a kind of functional dependence can develop if LSD is taken to promote performance.