Registration for the cannabis study "Züri Can" at the DIZ now open

The approval of the FOPH for the pilot study "Züri Can - Cannabis with Responsibility" has been available since March 21, 2023. This means that the upcoming cannabis cultivation phase can be used - and the sale of study cannabis via the reference points can start after the summer vacations in 2023. The study examines the effects of obtaining selected cannabis products from controlled cultivation under regulated conditions on participants' use and health. Study participants can obtain study cannabis from a dispensary, social club, or from us at the Drug Information Center (DIZ). Study participants must choose a supply location and cannot change it after enrollment.

If you meet the acceptance criteria of the study and have decided on DIZ as your future place of reference, you can register for an intake interview with us at Wasserwerkstrasse 17 in 8006 Zurich (5 minutes from the main train station). Send an email with your first and last name as well as a short confirmation that you meet the criteria of the study to the address and we will send you as soon as possible appointment proposals for the initial interview.

You can find more information about the project "Züri Can" here


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