Quick info

"New Psychoactive Substances" (NPS) is a collective term for largely unexplored synthetic substances with psychoactive effects. Alternatively, these substances are also called research chemicals (RC's).

NPS are largely unexplored synthetic substances with psychoactive effects. NPS exist in different substance groups: typical are cathinones, tryptamines, phenylethylamines, piperazines, benzodiazepines. Examples are: Mephedrone, Methylone, 3-MMC, 1cP-LSD, Flualprazolam etc. By changing the chemical structure of existing, mostly illegal substances, new substances are "designed" that do not fall under the narcotics law. Often New Psychoactive Substances are marketed on the Internet. On the black market, NPS are sometimes also sold as ecstasy, amphetamine or LSD.

Attention. Even if NPS are sold legally, they are not less dangerous than illegal substances! There are known cases of false declaration (product contains other substance than stated). If possible, have all substances analyzed in a drug checking before consumption.

Before experimenting, learn as much as you can about the specific substance and the appropriate dosage. Also with NPS, pay attention to your mood and the environment in which you use (set and setting).




Safer Use

Mixed use




LSD analogues


Synthesis impurities


If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or alcohol, call an ambulance on 144. Tell the emergency responders everything you know.
It could save lives.

Things to know

Current warnings

Advisory service