We analyze psychoactive substances, free of charge and anonymously! All information about the service and registration can be found here.

The Zurich Drug Information Center (DIZ) offers regular drug checkings on site and at parties and festivals.

Drug checking includes a chemical substance analysis for psychoactive, pharmacologically relevant ingredients and a personal consultation. The service is acceptance-oriented, low-threshold, free of charge and is aimed at users of psychoactive substances.


‍Anappointment must be made in advance for drug checking. Further information on registration and the procedure can be found in the offer descriptions.


Every substance dispensary is associated with a mandatory consultation. Anonymized data on age, gender and consumption patterns are collected. Only one substance analysis per person and opening day is possible.

Counseling sessions without substance analyses are also possible by phone, email or at our premises outside of drug checking opening hours. Further information on our counseling services can be found here.


There is no minimum age for us. Minors can also submit a substance for analysis and take advantage of the advice we offer. However, the DIZ is not a place for small children. If you are unable to provide your own care during the DIZ appointment, no substance can be handed in.

Online registration (test phase)
From now on you can also register online for this Drug Checking. Registration is possible 24 hours before the respective Drug Checking. At the moment online appointments can only be made for Tuesday.

Opening hours

Our Drug Checkings

Which substance would you like to test?

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Can't find a suitable offer for your substance?

If you have any questions about unusual substances, please contact info@saferparty.ch.


If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or alcohol, call an ambulance on 144. Tell the emergency responders everything you know.
It could save lives.