First image of the tested substance
First image of the tested substance
Second image of the tested substance
First image of the tested substance
Second image of the tested substance
Second image of the tested substance

Active ingredients and content





Details of the substance tested


Length x width






Fracture groove

Relevant substance(s)

2C-B (2C-x)

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Amphetamine - Speed

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Risk assessment

A powder declared as 2C-B did not contain 2C-B, but a mixture of 40 % 2C-B and 60 % amphetamine.

The combination of 2C-B and amphetamine can lead to cardiovascular stress and mental overload. Amphetamine as a stimulant can increase feelings of anxiety and trigger thought loops that lead to negative experiences. 2C-B is a little-researched substance. Unknown interactions cannot be ruled out. Even with powders and crystalline samples, misdeclarations occur time and again; it is therefore essential to have these tested before consumption!

Alert level

Safer Use


Have your substances tested in a drug check.

Set & Setting

2C-B and other 2C substances have a very setting-dependent effect and are only suitable for parties to a limited extent. Use only in places where you feel comfortable and avoid mixed use.

Safer Sniffing

Attention, 2C-B burns painfully in the nose! Observe the safer-sniffing rules when sniffing.


2C-B is effective in small doses. Accordingly, 1 or 2 mg more or less can make a big difference. Carefully approach the right dosage.

Similar warnings

There are no current warnings for this substance

Things to know