Collaboration with youth workers from the sociocultures in the city of Zurich with a focus on "risk reduction in substance use".

In order to be easily accessible to teenagers and young adults, we work closely with youth workers in the city of Zurich's sociocultural sector.

With our focus on risk reduction in substance use, we visit places and premises in the city of Zurich (e.g. youth clubs, public places) where adolescents and young adults who are interested in talking about psychoactive substances are present. In this way, we provide young people and young adults with low-threshold access to information on substances, substance use and risk reduction on the one hand, and to the services of the DIZ drug information center on the other.

The day of the week and the time are geared to the needs of the target group and can be planned for the long term or coordinated at short notice.


If your young target group is interested in a visit from our experts, please send us your request to:

Online registration (test phase)
From now on you can also register online for this Drug Checking. Registration is possible 24 hours before the respective Drug Checking. At the moment online appointments can only be made for Tuesday.

Opening hours

Our Drug Checkings

Which substance would you like to test?

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Can't find a suitable offer for your substance?

If you have any questions about unusual substances, please contact


If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or alcohol, call an ambulance on 144. Tell the emergency responders everything you know.
It could save lives.