Here you can find information on counselling and therapy services.

Counseling by e-mail has many advantages, but it also has limitations. Addictive behavior in particular can usually be traced back to deeper causes. These are easiest to investigate and treat with therapeutic measures. It is not uncommon for addictions and addictive behavior to cause further difficulties (debts, unemployment, etc.).

Outpatient and inpatient therapy and life support

Psychotherapeutic treatment:
In psychotherapy, current problems, but also long-standing stresses are discussed. The treatment can be short-term or last longer. Often it is about behaviour patterns that repeat themselves in everyday life.

Social work support:
If you have problems with your work, teaching or school situation, debt, unemployment and other difficulties, we offer support and guidance. We can offer you this form of support at our counseling office. You can find out more here.

Drug treatment:
There are drugs with specific effects that can help to manage substance problems (e.g., cocaine and alcohol). Drug treatment of a comorbidity (e.g., depression) can also be useful for substance problems.

Who pays the costs?

Many social counseling centers are free of charge. However, therapeutic or medical treatments are subject to a fee. The assessment and treatment of substance problems in a medical/therapeutic facility is covered by the basic health insurance. If you wish to have the evaluation done anonymously, this is usually possible. Ask for a self-pay rate.

Professionals are bound by professional secrecy and may not pass on any data to third parties without your express consent.

Information on counselling and therapy centres in your area.

Online registration (test phase)
From now on you can also register online for this Drug Checking. Registration is possible 24 hours before the respective Drug Checking. At the moment online appointments can only be made for Tuesday.

Opening hours

Our Drug Checkings

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Can't find a suitable offer for your substance?

If you have any questions about unusual substances, please contact


If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or alcohol, call an ambulance on 144. Tell the emergency responders everything you know.
It could save lives.